Friday, October 5, 2012

those senses...

That amazing sense of coziness you feel when your mother hugs you when you finally go down for a visit from college.
That incredible sense you get when you think everything is going bad, then it actually turns out just fine.(words can not explain how much i LOVE this feeling at this moment.)
That fulfilling sense you get when you ask GOD to help you with something and feel relief right after, because you know everything will be ok.
That warm sense you get when you feel missed by somebody special to you.
That amazing feeling you get when you go shopping and can't seem to find a thing in the store yet end up finding an incredible piece and leave thinking of all the different ways you will wear it.
That incredible sense of comfort you have when you smell your favorite perfume fill the air.
That amazing sense when you finally feel that you belong.
That indescribable moment when you feel loved and nothing can go wrong.
this is how I feel today.

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