Monday, December 31, 2012

HAPPY 2013

I am heading to my family's New Year's party, but first I wanted to wish you all an incredible night with family and hope your day is magical like I hope mine is as well!!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

This year (2012) I....

January 6th this year I turned 18!!
25th of January I started dating the love of my life.
I also had my last Choir Concert ever of High School.
Realized who my true friends were.

Won "Sweetest" in my Senior Supper (Senior Favorites)

This year I Graduated High School

 This 2012 I started College!

2012 I started this blog!

This year had many many outfits and different other posts. 
Next year I hope I can start posting videos, and a lot more beauty ideas and outfit posts and many more adventures.
I want to thank you all for reading and for all the support!! You can Email me at any time
Thank you!
P.S hopefully I can post all about my New Years Eve tomorrow !

Saturday, December 29, 2012

What to wear to welcome 2013...

New Year

Oasis polka dot dress, $65 / BCBGeneration velvet skirt / Melissa platform sandals, $77 / Gucci perfume / Smashbox

awaiting the new year

Welcome January

VILA crew neck sweater, $53 / ONLY low jeans, $65 / Suede wedge heels / Givenchy / NARS Cosmetics

Well Hello Everyone!!
Yet another edition of ideas of what to wear this time to New Years! I can't believe time is passing by so fast! Not to mention that I turn 19 in early January! Yikes!
Any who, I just finished putting these outfits together and I am so proud of them because these are the things I would love to wear! I also incorporated some of the things I actually have such as the Gucci perfume and jeans!! I still have to choose my outfit though.
I hope you all like them too. Unfortunately I couldn't take outfit pictures today because 1. It is freezing cold outside. and 2. I have a cold so yea...
But no worries I hope I can get to do one before New Years.  Tomorrow I have a date with my bf and hopefully I will have time to update if not  tomorrow, soon!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Being Nostalgic...

 Hello Readers!
I am so excited to share these pictures with you all because I am obsessed with how they turned out!! I loved everything about shooting these photos. It was nice and cold outside and the lighting ugh was beyond great + the outfit? PERFECT
I am feeling kind of sick today though :( I came down with the flu. Everything imaginable hurts and saying that I feel like I've been ran over a bus is an understatement. Luckily, my wonderful boyfriend being his wonderful self brought me a delicious lunch and ugh I love him!!
I ate a shrimp coctel and it was amazing.
Now about this scenery, this is the backyard of where I grew up and everything about it reminds me of bits and pieces of my childhood and it feels incredible.
Any who, I reeeeeaallly hope I feel better by tomorrow so that I can post some more!
Guys, feel free to ask me any questions either here or on my tumblr
sweater: Delia's
Jeans: Delia's
bag: Forever21
boots: vintage
watch: Marc Jacobs
Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas lovely snapshots♥♥♥

littls girl's room :P
pollo asado with salsa? yes!

favorite mugs

presents from my boyfriend

sis and I

making of apple pie
menudo and pie
outside grandpa's
Sneak Peak for tomorrow!!

Hola everyone!!! 
I've had a busy busy yet FUN week!! Some of my family is spending some time with us so I am nothing but entertained! Also I had the time to make a quick visit to my friend Samantha!! Yay! :D
Any who, this has been my week in pictures (almost all of it) From Christmas presents to food! Also yesterday I had such a lovely date night with my amazing boyfriend I mean look at  what he got me! Isn't he GREAT?!
Any who, new aroma from my parents and a well spent holiday filled with love and food...what else can I ask for? I just finished my dinner yet again, Mexican Hotdogs excuse me, but I LOVE them they are delicous!
With much love,
p.s. Check in tomorrow for a post which I am oh so excited about with the cutest outfit!!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Have yourself a Merry little Christmas♥

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
I hope you are having an AMAZING Christmas filled with laughter, family, and food. I am having an incredible time with my family and the delicious Mexican food such as yes, tamales and menudo! These pictures are from last night's Christmas Eve and today we will head on back to my grandparent's house and continue the celebration!!
Let's not forget that Christmas is celebrated because HE was born on this day not just because we get to receive presents and decorate our homes.

red blouse with a bow: A'gaci
black jeans: papaya's
leopard shoes: gift
love love love